얘 보세요

여기 거는 misskey 소스 보고 딴 거임 ㅇㅅㅇ;;;

this = new ApRendeererService()

<aside> 💡

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only



export type Obj = { [x: string]: any };
export type ApObject = IObject | string | (IObject | string)[];

export interface IObject {
	'@context'?: string | string[] | Obj | Obj[];
	type: string | string[];

	id?: string; name?: string | null;
	summary?: string; _misskey_summary?: string;

	_misskey_followedMessage?: string | null;

	published?: string; updated?: string;
	cc?: ApObject; additionalCc?: ApObject,
	to?: ApObject; attributedTo?: ApObject;

	attachment?: any[];

	inReplyTo?: any; replies?: ICollection;

	content?: string | null;

	startTime?: Date; endTime?: Date;

	icon?: any; image?: any; mediaType?: string;

	url?: ApObject | string; href?: string;

	tag?: IObject | IObject[];
	sensitive?: boolean;

export interface IActivity extends IObject {
	//type: 'Activity';
	actor: IObject | string; object: IObject | string;
	target?: IObject | string;
	/** LD-Signature */
	signature?: {
		type: string; created: Date; creator: string;
		domain?: string; nonce?: string; signatureValue: string;

export interface ICollection extends IObject {
	type: 'Collection'; totalItems: number;
	first?: IObject | string; items?: ApObject;

export interface IOrderedCollection extends IObject {
	type: 'OrderedCollection'; totalItems: number;
	first?: IObject | string; orderedItems?: ApObject;

export interface IPost extends IObject {
	type: 'Note' | 'Question' | 'Article' | 'Audio' | 'Document' | 'Image' | 'Page' | 'Video' | 'Event';
	source?: { content: string; mediaType: string; };
	_misskey_quote?: string; _misskey_content?: string;
	quoteUrl?: string;

export interface IQuestion extends IObject {
	type: 'Note' | 'Question';
	actor: string;
	source?: { content: string; mediaType: string; };

	_misskey_quote?: string;
	quoteUrl?: string;
	oneOf?: IQuestionChoice[]; anyOf?: IQuestionChoice[];
	endTime?: Date; closed?: Date;

interface IQuestionChoice {
	name?: string; replies?: ICollection;
	_misskey_votes?: number;

export interface ITombstone extends IObject {
	type: 'Tombstone'; formerType?: string; deleted?: Date;

export interface IActor extends IObject {
	type: 'Person' | 'Service' | 'Organization' | 'Group' | 'Application';
	name?: string; preferredUsername?: string;
	manuallyApprovesFollowers?: boolean;
	movedTo?: string; alsoKnownAs?: string[];

	discoverable?: boolean; inbox: string;
	sharedInbox?: string;	// 後方互換性のため
	publicKey?: { id: string; publicKeyPem: string; };

	followers?: string | ICollection | IOrderedCollection;
	following?: string | ICollection | IOrderedCollection;
	featured?: string | IOrderedCollection;

	outbox: string | IOrderedCollection;
	endpoints?: { sharedInbox?: string; };

	'vcard:bday'?: string; 'vcard:Address'?: string;

export interface IApPropertyValue extends IObject {
	type: 'PropertyValue'; identifier: IApPropertyValue;
	name: string; value: string;

export interface IApMention extends IObject {
	type: 'Mention'; href: string; name: string;

export interface IApHashtag extends IObject { type: 'Hashtag'; name: string; }

export interface IApEmoji extends IObject {
	type: 'Emoji'; name: string; updated: string;

export interface IKey extends IObject {
	type: 'Key'; owner: string; publicKeyPem: string | Buffer;

export interface IApDocument extends IObject { 
	type: 'Audio' | 'Document' | 'Image' | 'Page' | 'Video';

export interface IApImage extends IApDocument { type: 'Image'; }

export interface ICreate extends IActivity { type: 'Create'; }

export interface IDelete extends IActivity { type: 'Delete'; }

export interface IUpdate extends IActivity { type: 'Update'; }

export interface IRead extends IActivity { type: 'Read'; }

export interface IUndo extends IActivity { type: 'Undo'; }

export interface IFollow extends IActivity { type: 'Follow'; }

export interface IAccept extends IActivity { type: 'Accept'; }

export interface IReject extends IActivity { type: 'Reject'; }

export interface IAdd extends IActivity { type: 'Add'; }

export interface IRemove extends IActivity { type: 'Remove'; }

export interface ILike extends IActivity {
	type: 'Like' | 'EmojiReaction' | 'EmojiReact';
	_misskey_reaction?: string;

export interface IAnnounce extends IActivity { type: 'Announce'; }

export interface IBlock extends IActivity { type: 'Block'; }

export interface IFlag extends IActivity { type: 'Flag'; }

export interface IMove extends IActivity {
	type: 'Move'; target: IObject | string;


	type: 'Accept',
	actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(,
	...(string | IObject) // object


	type: 'Add',
	actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(,
	...(string | IObject | undefined), // target
	...(string | IObject) // object


  id: `${this.config.url}/notes/${}/activity`,
  actor: this.userEntityService.genLocalUserUri(note.userId),
  type: 'Announce',
  published: this.idService.parse(,
  updated: note.updatedAt?.toISOString() ?? undefined, // neko
  /* to :
    public > <>
    home   > ${attributedTo}/followers
    followers > ${attributedTo}/followers
  /* cc :
     public > ${attributedTo}/followers
     home   > <>
     followers > undefined
   ...(string | IObject) // object